Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 52-55
Background: Papillary lesions of breast are very rare. They are classified as benign, borderline and malignant. Benign papillary lesions constitute less than 10% of all benign lesions of the breast and malignant papillary are less than 1% of all malignancies of breast. All papillary lesions appear similar on histopathology but they behave differently.
Objective: To differentiate the papillary lesions of breast with help of Immunohistochemisry (IHC) markers like P63, CK5/6, CD10 and SMA.
Material and Methods: This is retrospective study over a period of 5 years. We have done all above markers on histopathologically diagnosed cases of papillary lesions of breast.
Results: Out of 41, benign papillomas were 23 and invasive papillary carcinomas were 8, 5 cases were atypical papilloma and 5 were intracystic papillary carcinoma. The age group of patients was between 21 to 75 years with median age 40years. Lump in the breast was commonest presenting complaint.P63 was the most sensitive markers with minimum cross reactivity.
Conclusion: P63, CK5/6, CD10 and SMA can be used to differentiate between papillary lesions of the breast .P63 is more sensitive among all.
How to cite : Bavikar R, Deshmukh S, Khande T, Spectrum of papillary lesions of breast with immunohistochemistry and review of literature. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(1):52-55
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