Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 270-276
Background: A malignant tumor of immature T cells, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma is known by this acronym, T-ALL. 12-15% percent of all cases of acute leukemia are T-ALL. According to the 2017 WHO classification, early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (ETP-ALL) is a unique and uncommon condition. It includes 17–22% of adult T-ALL cases and 12–16.2% of childhood T-ALL cases.
Aim and Objective: To examine the immunophenotypic and clinicohematologic features of T-ALL.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on all acute leukemia diagnoses made in the Pathology Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal between June 2020 and June 2023, a period of three years. After completing all required tests, such as a CBC and a bone marrow examination, flow cytometric immunophenotyping was performed either from peripheral blood or the bone marrow aspirate. For immunophenotyping, a 11 color flowcytometer (BECKMAN COULTER) was utilized. Markers for T cell lymphoid lineage included CD3, CD5, CD4, CD7, CD8, and cCd3 while markers for B cell lineage included CD19, CD20, CD22, CD10 and cCD79a. Regarding the myeloid markers, CD117, CD13,CD38, and Myeloperoxidase ; the immaturity markers such as CD 34 and HLA-DR; and the monocytic markers CD33, CD14, CD64 and CD11c were used. ETP-ALL diagnosis was accomplished using specific scoring systems.
Results: Out of the 150 acute leukemia cases that were diagnosed during this time, 15 (10%) were categorized as T-ALL according to WHO guidelines. Median age was calculated as 17 (range: 4–60 years). 11/15 (73.3%) of the cases were male, and 4/15 (26.6%) were female. Of the 4 female cases, 2 were found to have ETP-ALL.
Conclusion: This study was carried out since there is a dearth of data from this region of the nation. Furthermore, because ETP-ALL cases have a bad prognosis, it is important to get a thorough diagnosis.
Keywords: Flow cytometry, Immunophenotyping, T- cell, Deoxynucleotidyl transferase.
How to cite : Sharma T, Thiyam U, Thangjam S, Banashree R, Singh I A, Singh K A, The immunophenotypic and clinicohematological characteristics of T-ALL cases detected over a three-year period in a tertiary institution. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2024;11(3):270-276
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Received : 03-06-2024
Accepted : 16-07-2024
Viewed: 645
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