Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 284-292
Prevalence of pediatric skin disorders vary worldwide. In India, geographic variations in pediatric skin disorders is noted by numerous authors from different parts of the country. Dermatoses in children are much more influenced by socioeconomic status, climatic exposure, dietary habits and external environment as compared to adult skin disorders.
Aims and Objectives: The present study was aimed at determining the spectrum of pediatric dermatopathological lesions and correlate the clinical and histopathological diagnosis over a period of 2 years in a tertiary care hospital in a rural setup.
Results: Pediatric skin biopsies constituted 12.41% of all the skin biopsies received at our laboratory during the study period. Study consisted of 115 cases ranging from 1 to 18 years of age with a mean age of 12.02 years. A slight female preponderance (53.91%) was noted. The Biopsies received were categorized into various age groups as follows: Infants, n = 2(1.73%); toddler, n= 4(3.47%); preschool, n = 14(12.17%); school, n= 40 (34.78%) and adolescence, n= 55(47.82%). Papulosquamous diseases, n= 36(31.30%) were the most common cause of skin disorders followed by Genodermatosis (12.17%). Overall, Lichen Planus (8 cases; 6.95%) was the most common dermatoses encountered in the study. Fifteen cases (13.04%) were reported as non-specific dermatitis. A positive correlation with the initial clinical diagnosis was obtained in 95 cases (82.61%).
Conclusion: A combination of good clinical expertise and histopathological confirmation helps in the proper management of the patients. The importance of histopathology as the gold standard in the diagnosis and management of pediatric skin lesions has been documented by our study.
Keywords: Skin biopsy, Pediatric dermatoses, Papulosquamous diseases, Lichen planus, Genodermatoses.
How to cite : Shetageri S N, Roopa A N, Parthiban R, Rekha T P, Shruthi H, Histopathological spectrum of pediatric skin biopsies in a rural setup. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(2):284-292
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