Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 233-236
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of reverse teaching in learning the basic medical sciences in undergraduate pathology course.
Materials and Methods: Study design was interventional case –control. Participants were 150 first year medical students of University of MAHSA, Malaysia 2017-18. We used quantitative content analysis in pre and post teaching sessions and a delayed test score after 5 months. This result was compared with control group who were exposed to traditional pathology teaching.
Results: There was no significant difference in the pre test scores between control group and test group (independent sample t – test, t= -0.836, p=0.404). There was a significant increase in the test scores between the two groups for the immediate post- test (independent sample t – test, t= -23.705, p<0>t – test, t= -6.440, p<0>
Conclusion: Reverse teaching based on clinical scenarios has significantly increased score compared to control group (P<0> 0.072).
Keywords: Backward class room, Flip class, Inverted teaching, Marketing class, Integration.
How to cite : Darnal H K, Yadav H, Ramakrishnappa S, Karikalan B, Reverse teaching- A strategy for undergraduate medical education in pathology. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(2):233-236
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