Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 675-679
Aim: To study the association between the ABO blood groups and clinicopathological features in cases of prostate cancer (PCa).
Materials and Methods: Fifty cases of PCa, diagnosed on transurethral resection of prostate chips were a part of the study. Cases were classified into low risk and high risk categories and these categories were compared with the clinicopathological features and ABO blood groups.
Results: In the study of 50 cases, 44 cases belonged to the high risk category with 33(75%) patients being of non O blood group and 11(25%) being of the O blood group. Patients of non O group had an increased risk of aggressive PCa on comparison with the blood type O. Chi sqaure test showed no significant difference between the non O and O groups regarding PSA value, Gleason score, tumor stage, node positivity and bone metastasis individually (p=0.418, p=0.967, p=0.506,p=0.775, p=0.549.) However within the high risk category, a statistically significant value was found for non O blood group against O groups (p=0.04) which was further proven by regression analysis.
Conclusion: In this study, non O blood types (especially A and B but not AB) were found to be independent predictors for high risk PCa and O blood type patients had a low risk of aggressive PCa thus emphasising the importance of blood typing in patients with PCa.
Keywords: Prostate cancer (PCa), ABO blood type, O blood type, Non O blood type.
How to cite : Shankar S, Prasad C, Clinicopathological study of ABO blood types in prostate cancer. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2018;5(4):675-679
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