Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 587-591
Introduction: Most of the patients with bleeding per vaginum undergo either colposcopic evaluation or Pap smear for cervical pathology or Trans Vaginal Ultrasound and endometrial biopsy to diagnose the definite pathology affecting endometrium. This study was done to see the pattern of histopathological spectrum of endometrial biopsy and their clinical correlation in a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods: This was a retro-prospective study conducted at a tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra. 1000 biopsy cases were studied. Light microscopy examination and clinical diagnoses were correlated.
Results: out of 1000 patient’s maximum number belonged to perimenopausal age group followed by reproductive age group and then postmenopausal age group. In 483 cases normal histopathological pattern was observed, out of which 259 cases showed proliferative phase endometrium (25.9%) and 224 cases showed secretory phase (22.4%). 104 cases showed simple (10.4%) and 43 cases (4.3%) complex hyperplasia. Exogenous hormonal effect was seen in 148 cases (14.8%). The least pattern which was observed was endometrial carcinoma, seen in only 2.3% of patients.
Conclusion: The study showed that carcinoma was most common in the post-menopausal age group. This group also had the maximum frequency of atrophic endometrium and complex hyperplasia. Proliferative endometrium was recorded highest in perimenopausal age group while reproductive age group showed highest frequency of secretory type endometrium. This study is in concordance with most other conducted studies on similar parameters.
Keywords: Biopsy, Endometrium, Uterine bleeding.
How to cite : Iqbal M B, Kambale T, Khandelwal A, Koshy A, Banerjee B, Spectrum of Endometrial lesions in patients presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2018;5(4):587-591
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