Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 586-590
Introduction: There are many blood group systems to classify red blood cells based on the presence of inherited antigens on their surface. Blood group antigens are inherited antigens and they already appear early in intrauterine life and remain constant through out life. Out of all antigens, two most important antigens are ABO and Rh antigens and they mostly found on RBCs surface and on platelets in blood. The human blood groups were first discovered by scientist Karl Landsteiner in 1901. ABO and RhD testing is the most frequently performed test in blood banking.
Aims and Objectives: To know the distribution frequency of other blood groups in healthy and adult blood donor, to compare this study data with other study data in other states of India and all over the world and to make documentation of a blood group data registry.
Materials and Method: Present study was conducted at Gujarat Medical Education and Research Society Medical College attached General Hospital, Gandhinagar, a tertiary care teaching Gujarat Government hospital. All blood donors were done counselling as per NACO guidelines and considered fit for blood donation were included in this study. Total 6853 blood donors were considered physically screened and declared fit and accepted for blood donation.
Results: Out of the total 6853 blood donors, 6508 (94.97%) were males and 345 (5.03%) were female and 6504 (94.9%) donors were of Rhesus ‘D’ positive and 349 (5.1%) were of Rhesus ‘D’ negative. In present study, blood group B was found to be the commonest blood group.
Conclusions: Female blood donors were very low because their haemoglobin level was below the required criteria and this needs to be increased by high quality of food and health status. The blood group of each and every person must be indicated on their driving licenses, aadhar card, PAN card and school/office identity cards. This study is most important for management of blood bank inventory and transfusion services to the needy patients.
Keywords: Blood group, Blood donors, Red blood cells, Replacement, Voluntary
How to cite : Patil R, Patel V, Gandhi M B, Frequency and distribution of ABO and Rh Blood Group Antigens in Healthy Blood Donors at the Blood Bank of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(4):586-590
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