Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 529-532
Introduction and Objective: Thyroid gland lesions are seen worldwide with geographical variation in incidence and histopathological pattern related to age, sex, dietary and environmental factors. This study is aimed to describe the histomorphological spectrum of thyroid lesion in relation to age, sex distribution and also to compare the findings with other studies done in India and elsewhere.
Materials and Method: It is a prospective study of all thyroidectomy specimens received from June 2015 - Dec 2016 in department of pathology, Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College, Bengaluru.
Results: A total of 100 cases were studied. Female to male ratio was 6:1. The age group ranged from 12-75yrs with peak incidence seen at 35-45yrs. The lesions were classified as non-neoplastic and neoplastic. Non-Neoplastic lesions were more common and accounted for 82% and neoplastic lesions accounted for 18%. The most common lesion was goiter (68%), followed by thyroid adenomas (16%) and thyroid carcinomas (2%). There were 7 cases of toxic goitre (7%), 4 cases of thyroglossal cyst (4%) and 3 cases of thyroiditis (3%).
Conclusion: The study shows that thyroid gland diseases are seen in both genders with female preponderance. Among the varied histomorphological spectrum of surgical lesions of thyroid, colloid goiter is the most common lesion. Follicular adenoma is the commonest benign tumor and a higher incidence of follicular carcinoma was seen.
Keywords: Goiter, Follicular adenoma, Follicular carcinoma, Thyroiditis
How to cite : Anushree Cn, Devani R, Jayaprakash H, Histomorphological patterns of thyroid lesions: A study from a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Dr BR Ambedkar Medical College. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(4):529-532
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