Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 426-429
Malignancies can present with diversified symptoms and enlarged lymphnodes are one such. FNAC is a basic, dependable and economical diagnostic tool in the interpretation of metastatic lymphadenopathy.
Materials and Method: This is a 2 years retrospective study carried out in the department of pathology GMC Jammu from 1-1-2015 till 31-12-2016. It includes 71 cases of lymphadenopathy, diagnosed as positive for metastasis on FNAC.
Result: From a total of 71 cases positive for metastasis majority were of Squamous cell carcinoma 28(39.43%) followed by Poorly differentiated carcinoma 24(33.8%), Adenocarcinoma 14(19.71%), Malignant melanoma and anaplastic carcinoma / lymphoma, 2 cases each (2.81%) and 1 (1.4%) case of Small cell carcinoma. Cervical lymphnodes were the most frequently involved group. There were 42 males and 29 females with a male predominance (M:F = 1.4:1). Maximum cases were seen in the age group of 61 – 70 years (19). Cases with a known primary were 18 (25.35%) while rest 53 (74.64%) were without any known primary.
Conclusion: FNAC is a valuable diagnostic tool in metastatic lymphadenopathy without giving much trauma to the patients.
Keywords: Malignancy, Metastasis, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
How to cite : Gupta A, Gupta D, Suri J, Kaul K, Diagnostic utility of fine needle aspiration cytology in interpretation of metastatic lymphadenopathy. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(3):426-429
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