Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 232-236
Introduction: Cervical lesions are generally screened(1) with Pap smear test. However, the procedure is quite intensive and takes time. An effective alternate method is proposed by WHO with visual inspection of acetowhite areas in acetic acid test, which can be used in developing countries as it is cheap and results can be given immediately. Biopsy is considered confirmative test for same cervical lesions. Study was conducted to compare all these methods for diagnosis of cervical lesions and study the effectiveness of acetic acid (VIA) test.
Materials and Method: A total number of 543 cases of Women with unhealthy cervix, aged between 20 to 70 years who fulfill the selection criteria were included in the study. Pap smear and VIA were done in these cases. Cervical biopsy was done in positive cases. All these methods were compared.
Results: A total of 543 women between age groups 20- 70 years were included in the study. Out of 543 women 29 (5.34%) found to be positive with acetic acid test (VIA).
Conclusion: The acetic acid test found to be 93.5% accurate when compared with Pap smear, so acetic acid test can be used effectively for screening the cervical lesions. For further diagnosis, Pap smear shall be used. However, biopsy is confirmative.
Keywords: Women, Cervix, VIA, Pap smear, Biopsy
How to cite : Pushpalatha K, Pramila G R, Sudhakar R, Comparative study of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), Pap smear and biopsy for cervical cytology. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(2):232-236
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