Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 207-212
Background: Platelet transfusion is one of the most crucial therapeutic approaches in Medicine. In addition to their important function in hemostasis, platelet’s role in inflammation has become more evident. Also they have severe and fatal adverse reactions also.
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the number of platelet transfusions that was done during the study period, to study the indications for the transfusions and evaluate its efficacy.
Materials and Method: A total of 138 thrombocytopenic patients who received platelet transfusions were evaluated during a one-year study period from Jan 2015 to Dec 2015 at KIMS Koppal, General hospital with attached blood bank. Conditions associated with the thrombocytopenia were studied and categorized. Pre and post-transfusion platelet counts were done and 24-hour corrected count increment (CCI) was calculated to check the efficacy of transfusion.
Results: Majority of the platelet recipients were transfused prophylactically when their platelet counts were >20000/?L. The most common category of diagnosis among these patients was infectious diseases.
Conclusion: Appropriate component therapy should be actively endorsed as it ensures optimum utilization of a scarce resource in a populous country like India. Platelet transfusion must be guided by population of patients under consideration, the clinical conditions of the patients and perhaps even the resources of the transfusing facility and its ability to respond rapidly to patients transfusion needs.
Keywords: Thrombocytopenia, Platelet Transfusion, Platelet Concentrate, Corrected Count
How to cite : Reddy H, Kushtagi A V, Use of platelete concentrates in thrombocytopenia patients - A Hospital Based study of 138 cases. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(2):207-212
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