Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 193-198
Background: Carcinoma uterine cervix is one of the leading causes of cancer death among women worldwide. It is well known that cervical cancer morbidity and mortality could be significantly reduced with an active cervical smear screening (Pap smear) program.
Objectives: To study the cytology of various types of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of cervix and to evaluate the accuracy of cervical smear study.
Materials and Method: Cervical smears were obtained with Ayer’s spatula from patients presenting with history of discharge per vaginum, irregular bleeding, post coital bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding, pain abdomen and mass per vaginum to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SVS Medical College and Hospital, Mahabubnagar. Smears were fixed in alcohol immediately and stained by Papanicolaou stain and H & E stain. The abnormal smears were followed by cervix biopsy and cytology findings were correlated.
Results: In the present study, a total of 1000 cervical smears were studied and 235 out of 1000 cases were followed by histopathological study. Out of these 1000 cases, one hundred and seventy nine (17.9%) cases were neoplastic, seven hundred and six (70.6%) cases were inflammatory smears, ninety (9.0%) cases were normal study and twenty five (2.5%) cases were inadequate to evaluate. Among 179 neoplastic cases, eighteen (10.06%) were carcinomas, forty six (25.07%) were HSIL and one hundred and fifteen (64.24%) were LSIL. The sensitivity of cervical cytology was 88.06% and specificity was 95.24% in the present study.
Conclusion: Pap smear examination is widely accepted screening method. Countries like India with predominant rural population are having low socio-economic status, marriage at an early age and poor medical facility. Screening females by cervical smear helps to detect carcinoma cervix in its preinvasive phase. The procedure is easy, inexpensive and rapid.
Keywords: Papanicolaou Smear; Cytohistologic Correlation; Cervical Cytology
How to cite : Deepthi Kn, Macharla A, Lesions of uterine cervix by cytology and histopathology- A prospective study for a period of two years. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(2):193-198
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