Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 71-76
Background: Papillary squamo transitional cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a distinct subcategory of squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix with a propensity to late metastasis and late recurrence. It is related to HPV 16 and 18 with high expression of p16. Histologically, it can be misinterpreted as transitional cell carcinoma and other papillary lesions of cervix like papilloma, verrucous carcinoma and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 with papillary features.
Aims: To study retrospectively the diagnostic utility of p16 in cervical dysplasia and papillary squamous cell carcinoma at our institution.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all cervical lesions between 2008 and 2012. Ten cases of papillary squamous cell carcinoma were included in our study and further evaluated immunohistochemically by p16 and assessed.
Results: Out of 882 cases of cervical lesions, 107 were malignant squamous cell carcinoma and 62 cases were Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Ten cases out of 107 malignant lesion were diagnosed as papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma and immunostained with p16 and evaluated. Statistical significant differences between groups were found using semi-quantitative scoring system. The patient ranged in age from 31 yrs to 62 yrs.
Conclusion: PSCC of the uterine cervix are a clinicopathological distinct group that are potentially malignant. p16 was expressed in 71.1% of dysplasia and 100% of papillary squamous cell carcinoma.
Keywords: Papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma, Cervix, Histopathology, p16
How to cite : Shanmuga Priya S, Joseph L D, Rajendiran S., Shalini C S, Papillary squamo transitional cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A histomorphological and immunohistochemical study of 10 cases. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2017;4(1):71-76
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