Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 593-598
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) stems as a consequence of atherosclerotic plaque with associated platelet rich coronary thrombus formation. Larger platelets are metabolically more active and have a greater thrombogenic potential compared to smaller platelets.
Aims: The present study was designed to evaluate the platelet volume indices in coronary artery disease patients with documented angiogram abnormalities and to correlate the significance in comparison to normal controls.
Materials and Methods: This was a comparative study of 128 subjects; 51 patients of CAD with angiogram evidence of single vessel, double vessel and triple vessel disease and 77 controls. Blood samples were collected in standardised EDTA tubes and analysed using a five part analyser Sysmex XS-800-I. The controls were healthy voluntary blood donors and were compared with CAD patients admitted for angiography.
Results: Patients with abnormal angiogram findings had a higher MPV and PDW than the normal controls. MPV showed a statistically significant correlation between CAD and control groups with a P value of 0.001.
Conclusion: Platelet volume indices, specifically Mean platelet volume can be of benefit in detecting coronary artery disease patients who may probably show abnormality in angiogram findings.
Keywords: Coronary artery disease, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, Thrombus, Angiogram
How to cite : Jayaganesh P, Chander R V, Yogalakshmi E, Moorthy A, Rabbani S, Correlation of platelet volume indices in coronary artery disease and control groups. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016;3(4):593-598
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