Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 570-575
Introduction: Breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy in urban population in India. We conducted a one year retrospective study with an aim to study the expression of Her-2/neu gene in breast cancers and its correlation with the age of patient, ER status, axillary lymph node status, grade of tumor, stage, histological type and size of tumor.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the histopathology department of The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad on hundred random mastectomy specimens having carcinoma breast received over a period of one year. Sections were taken and stained with H&E. All tumors were histologically typed, graded and staged. Immunohistochemistry for ER, PR and Her-2/neu was applied on any one selected tumor section having an internal control as well.
Results: Out of the total 100 cases, 67% of the patients belonged to > 45 years age group. Invasive Duct Carcinoma was the most common histological type (83%). Her-2/neu expression was found in 62% of the cases. Majority of the tumors were Grade 2 (45%). Her-2/neu overexpression was observed in tumors > 5cm in size, showing ER negativity, having a higher grade and showing axillary lymph node metastasis (p<0.05). However, tumor stage, age of the patient, histological tumor type did not show any significant correlation with Her-2/neu [removed]p>0.05).
Conclusion: Her-2/neu expression is common in Indian women. All high grade large tumors (>5cms) showing lymph node metastasis should undergo a Her-2/neu testing because of its prognostic and therapeutic significance.
Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Her-2/neu, ER/PR, Lymph node
How to cite : Chauhan K, Garg M, Sharma A, Bindal T, Jetly D, Her-2/neu expression and its correlation with ER status and various clinicopathological parameters. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016;3(4):570-575
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