Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 344-346
Objective: To study the effect of museum teaching in pathology from student’s perspective.
Material & Methods: 32 students from the 4th term batch of Malabar Medical College who were randomly selected. Verbal consent was taken from each student. Self-administered questionnaire were administered after the session. These questions were analyzed by the investigator.
Result: A total of 32 students participated in this study. Mean age of study group was 21 yrs. 68.7% of students visited the museum at least once a week. 65.6% felt that the 20 minutes allotted for museum pathology sessions were not enough. 96.8% of the students agreed that the museum sessions contributed positively to the quality of learning in Pathology. 78.1% felt that it would be effective only for a small group constituting 6-10 students. All the students (100%) agreed that the pathology museum in the college required improvement.
Conclusion: Pathology museum sessions are a powerful teaching method which will help in better understanding and effective learning of the subject. It is best conducted in small groups of 6 to 10 students.
Keywords: Pathology museum, Teaching method, Small groups, Effective self-learning
How to cite : Sreedharan S, Feroze M, Deeshma T, Shamsuddin F, Nair G G, Simi S, Revival of Pathology Museum teaching-Student�s perspective. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016;3(2):344-346
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