Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 247-254
Introduction: Pancytopenia is reduction in all three major formed elements of blood: erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets. It has been observed in Indian scenario that megaloblastosis –Vit. B 12 and folate deficiency is the commonest cause of pancytopenia. However, the frequency with which each condition is associated with pancytopenia differs considerably depending upon various factors including geographic distribution.
Objectives: 1.To study the frequency of pancytopenia in patients admitted in tertiary hospital. 2. To correlate the clinical findings, haemogram, bone marrow aspirate and / or bone marrow trephine biopsy.
Material and Methods: This retrospective study was carried out over a period of three years in the department of pathology at tertiary hospital from Jan 2012 to Dec.2015 .In this period, a total of 60 bone marrow examinations that fulfilled the criteria for pancytopenia were studied.
Results: Total 60 cases were studied in the given period. The most common cause of pancytopenia was Megaloblastic anemia followed by aplastic/Hypoplastic anemia. Commonest age group of presentation of pancytopenia was between 21-30 years, male to female ratio being 0.9:1.Pallor was the most common clinical feature.
Conclusion: Among the conditions that causes Megaloblastic anemia due to Vit. B12/Folate deficiency, i.e. nutritional in origin seems to reflect the higher prevalence of pancytopenia in Indian subjects-which is easily reversible.
Keywords: Pancytopenia, bone marrow examination, megaloblastic anemia, iron stores, Aplastic anemia, vitamin B12
How to cite : Sale S M, Mane V P, Pawar V R, Mohite S N, Vanisha, Clinical correlation of pancytopenia with bone marrow study in a tertiary hospital. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016;3(2):247-254
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