Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 216-220
Background: Pathological studies have documented the extent of spread of various skin lesions and have made significant contribution to the understanding of etiology and pathogenesis; Pathologic studies have played an important role in the diagnosis of various skin lesions.
Objective: To study of Nodular Outgrowths of the skin in Patients from a tertiary care Hospital, Hyderabad.
Methods: Histopathological study of benign nodular lesions of the skin, studied during the period of October 2010-September 2012 at Department of Pathology, Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre and Princess Esra Hospital. Skin biopsies were received from the Outpatient department of Dermatology. For this study, Clinico-pathologic details were recorded. During this period a total of 67 cases of benign nodular skin disease were studied. The patients were selected, irrespective of age, sex, socioeconomic status and residence. Cases were taken up for study after appropriate consent. All the skin biopsies either Punch or Incisional, were stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin, and examined. Special stains like AFB, PAS etc. were done in required cases.
Results: Maximum number of cases was seen in the age group of 31-50 years. Male to female ratio was 1.16:1 showed male preponderance. Out of 23, syringoma were found in 9 (39.13%), trichoepithelioma in (26.08%), syringocystandenoma papilliferum in 4 (17.39%), sebaceous adenoma in 3 (13.04%), and pilar cyst in 1 (4.34%). Females (65.21%) outnumbered males (34.78%) in our study population.
Conclusion: The present study has emphasized the role of histopathologic examination in cutaneous disorders and disease.
Key words: Nodular Outgrowths, Histopathological study, Cutaneous disorders
How to cite : Kouser T, Salma M, Nasar M A, Histological Study of Nodular Outgrowths of the skin in Patients from a tertiary care Hospital, Hyderabad. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016;3(2):216-220
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