Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 303-306
Mesenteric fibromatosis or desmoids are a part of spectrum of deep fibromatosis. Deep fibromatosis is a group of proliferative, locally aggressive lesions that can be infiltrative and can recur without metastasis. Case report: A 42-year male came to hospital with complains of abdominal pain and discomfort. On imaging a mesenteric tumour was noted and diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumour was considered. On histopathological examination a spindle cell tumour of low grade was diagnosed. IHC came out to be SMA positive and negative for DOG1, CD34, desmin and CD117. Ki67 was around 4%. HPE and IHC favored a diagnosis of mesenteric fibromatosis. Conclusion: mesenteric GIST and fibromatosis are very similar in clinical & radiological presentation and moreover pathological picture is quite similar. To differentiate the two immunohistochemistry helps. The two entirely poles apart entities have different management hence should be differentiated to avoid unnecessary treatment in case of benign fibromatosis.
Keywords: Mesenteric fibromatosis, GIST, Immunohistochemistry
How to cite : Sharma S, Sarma A, Kalita D J, Ahmed S, Kakoti L M, Mesenteric firomatosis: A rare entity- case report. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2023;10(3):303-306
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Received : 05-08-2023
Accepted : 11-09-2023
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