Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 76-79
Introduction: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare but locally aggressive infiltrative mesenchymal tumour arising in the soft tissues of the lower genital tract. Incidence is very less (only about 350 cases have been recorded in the literature) with female to male ratio of 6:1. Average age at presentation is around 40 years.
Case Report: A 32 years old female presented with multiple swelling in the vulval region for 1 and a half years associated with mild pain. The patient complains of dysmenorrhoea, pressure sensation, pelvic fullness, dyspepsia, weight loss and generalised weakness. She is married and has a 3-year old male child. Her menstrual cycle is regular with normal menses. FNAC of the vulval swelling was suggestive of angiomyxoma. The swelling was excised in the Gynaecological Operation Theatre and the specimen was sent to the Department of Pathology for Histopathological examination where it was diagnosed as aggressive angiomyxoma. On follow up, the patient was healthy with no complains of recurrence so far.
Conclusion: Aggressive angiomyxoma is an aggressive tumour because it has a high risk of infiltration and local recurrence. Therefore, it should be distinguished from other myxoid tumours. Preoperative cytological diagnosis helps in surgical management with appropriate wide local excision with clear margins.
Keywords: Angiomyxoma, Cytology, Histopathology.
How to cite : Devi J, Phukan N, Cytodiagnosis of multilobulated aggressive angiomyxoma clinically mimicking sarcoma – A case report. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2023;10(1):76-79
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Received : 04-02-2023
Accepted : 14-02-2023
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