Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 274-276
Adenoma malignum also called minimal deviation adenocarcinoma or minimal deviation carcinoma, is a rare disease. It is tricky to diagnose this condition because of its benign look. It forms a subtype of mucinous endocervical adenocarcinoma. Also, these lesions have an endophytic growth and are located deep in the cervix rather than an exophytic growth like any other adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Radiologically and clinically can resemble a benign, less harmful disease. However, it sometimes mimics multiple Nabothian cysts because of its benign look. In most cases, it had been an incidental finding when being evaluated for any other causes where hysterectomy was done. It usually presents between the age of 25-70 years and peaks at a median age of 42 years. Thus, this case report is an eye opener to keep Adenoma malignum is a close differential for watery discharge per vaginum. Although it is a rare tumour, it has an aggressive nature.
Keywords: Adenoma malignum, Minimal deviation adenocarcinoma, Uterine cervix.
How to cite : Srinidhi R, Ramaswamy V, Tejaswini B N, Sowmya B U, Adenoma malignum of cervix – A case report. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2022;9(3):274-276
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Received : 03-06-2022
Accepted : 16-07-2022
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