Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 457-460
Introduction: In Indian GDP, veterinary sector plays a major role in contribution wherein poultry meat plays good protein source. But the health status is less studied in case of country fowl.
Aims and Objectives: Indian country fowl are highly infected with producing emaciation, reduced growth rate, highly morbidity with enteritis.
After confirmation by gross and microscopy, samples undergone histopathology study using Haematoxylin and Eosin stain (H&E). Thereafter, the samples also processed for detection of carbohydrate by McManus method using PAS stain and mucoprotein was detected using congo red method.
Results: Adult possesses carbohydrate, protein and fat. Histologically the mature, immature and gravid segments were differentiated whereas the histochemical techniques qualifies the biomacromolecules. The lipid droplet showed a clear vacuole preferably in and around the periphery portion. The glycogen distributed in an even manner. Subsequently, the protein was deposited mostly at the periphery in the body surfaces as well as in the egg.
Keywords: Gallus domesticus, Cestode (Raillietina sp.), Bio-macromolecules, Histochemistry, Histopathology.
How to cite : Mandal A, Patra N C, Pradhan S, Hansda R N, Mondal S, Mukhopadhayay S K, Isore D P , Dey C, Histochemical Localization of Bio-macromolecules in Cestode (Raillietina sp.) infected country fowls (Gallus domesticus) in India. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2021;8(4):457-460
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Received : 01-08-2021
Accepted : 27-08-2021
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