Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 309-311
Malignant melanoma is most dangerous of all skin cancers. It is strongly linked to mutations caused by UV radiation in sunlight. Melanoma most commonly arises from the skin, other sites are oral, anogenital mucosal surface, oesophagus, meninges and uvea of the eye. We present a case of metastatic melanoma in right inguinal lymph nodes along with femoral vein deposits whose primary lesion was in skin over right foot. Single distant metastasis had a longer survival than patients with two metastatic sites or a combination of three or more. Due to patient’s negligence and limited knowledge, malignant melanoma becomes a dangerous skin cancer. It start with a painless induration (very small size) and gradually growing
in thickness. On further disease progression, regional lymph node involment is seen and later metastasize to other sites. This make the disease with very less survival outcome.
Keywords: Malignant melanoma, Femoral vein, Metastatic melanoma.
How to cite : Chakma K , Jaiswal R , Singh U S , Metastatic melanoma as femoral vein deposits: A case report. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2021;8(2):309-311
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Received : 11-03-2021
Accepted : 19-03-2021
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