Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 283-286
Background: Hemolytic anaemia is caused due to the higher rate of destruction of red cells (membrane) than the rate of their generation. It can be inherited from or acquired. Membrane destruction is majorly caused due to the defects of membrane and enzymes. HA can be diagnosed with laboratory test like complete blood count test, urine test etc.
Aims and Objectives: To study the clinical and pathological profile of hemolytic anaemia among the patients at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences (SAMS) medical college hospital.
Materials and Methods: This study included 150 patients diagnosed with HA for 12 months from Feb 2019 to March 2020. Clinico-Hematological profile of each patients was recorded.
Results: Current study observed that the 39.33% had beta thalassemia trait, sickle cell anaemia in 18.7%, beta thalassemia in 167.7%, malaria in 12%, sickle beta thalassemia 4.7%, and sickle cell trait. HA was more prevalent among male subjects (59%). Mean haemoglobin was least in thalassemia major (5.2gm/dl) and highest in sickle cell trait (9.2gm/dl). Mean total serum bilirubin was highest in beta thalassemia major
patients and highest in beta thalassemia major (1821.4ng/dl). jaundice (57%), splenomegaly (47%) and hepatomegaly (34%) were common clinical manifestations.
Conclusion: HA is more prevalent among younger male population; beta thalassemia trait and sickle cell anaemia are the most common HA. Other than the hereditary causes malaria is the major cause HA.
Keywords: Hemolytic anaemia, Hemoglobin, Intracorpuscular and extracorpuscular.
How to cite : Tomar A , Chouhan R P S, Clinico-hematological profile of hemolytic anaemia at the SAMS medical college hospital. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2021;8(2):283-286
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Received : 11-02-2021
Accepted : 13-02-2021
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