Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 527-531
Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of thyroid is first line diagnostic test for evaluating
a thyroid nodule.
FNA evaluation by The Bethesda System of Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) of thyroid
nodules reduces load of unnecessary surgeries for benign lesions and guides for timely surgical intervention
when there is significant risk of malignancy.
Aims and Objectives: To categorise Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology as per the Bethesda system.
Materials and Methods: Prospective study conducted in Department of Pathology at tertiary health care
center, Solapur including 165 patients from department of Surgery and E.N.T. during period of 2 years.
Cases of palpable swellings of thyroid for FNAC and surgical thyroid specimens for histopathology were
Results: Females 150 (90.90%) outnumbered males 15 (9.10%). 165 cases were distributed in following
categories as per TBSRTC:- Category I (Non-diagnostic or unsatisfactory)- 4 cases (2.41%); Category II
(Benign)-146 cases (88.5%); Category III (AUS/FLUS)-3 cases (1.82%); Category IV (FN/SFN)-7 cases
(4.24%); Category V (SM)-2 cases (1.21%); Category VI (malignant)-3 cases (1.82%).
Conclusion: The TBSRTC helps to classify thyroid lesions under specific categories thus providing an
implied risk for malignancy and guidance towards surgical management.
Keywords: Bethesda system, Fine needle aspiration cytology, Thyroid lesions.
How to cite : Shete Smita S, Tamane K , Pandit G A, Patil M , Kharat P , Thyroid lesions - cytological evaluation by bethesda system. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2020;7(4):527-531
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