Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 335-337
Wilms’ tumor is the most common malignant renal tumor of childhood with a majority of them diagnosed
before 5 years of age. The incidence of metastases of Wilms’ tumor is approximately 10%. The primary
distant site for metastasis is the lung; bone metastasis being extremely rare.Relapses after 5 years of
diagnosis is uncommon in Wilms’ tumor and there are very few cases of relapse after 20 years of initial
diagnosis.We present here a rare case of a patient who was diagnosed withWilms’ tumor 17 years ago and
now presented with a lung mass.
Keywords: Wilms’ tumor, Metastasis, Lung.
How to cite : Dey D, Mitra B, Sengupta S, Wilms’ tumor: A rare presentation. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2020;7(2):335-337
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