Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 251-261
Introduction: Viralskin and mucocutaneous disorders are common in HIV infection and may be the earliest manifestation of the disease. The spectrum of these disorders is wide and may vary in different regions due to varying prevalence of various microbial agents. Therefore, we studied the seroprevalence of HIV infection in patients presenting with skin and mucocutaneous disorders and clinical and regional epidemiological profile of seropositive patients.
Objectives: To know incidence of viral opportunistic infections in HIV, with special reference to CD4 counts.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study. Incidence of clinically and laboratory confirmed cases of viral opportunistic infections in HIV patients are recorded. Blood of these patients were processed for CD4 counts, by Partech Flow cytometry to assess the immune status among them.
Results: 85 HIV seropositive patients with viral opportunistic infections with age group of 15-45 years, attending the outpatient and inpatient department for the period of one year from June 2013-June 2014 at Chigateri General Hospital, ART center, were included in this study and CD4 counts were done among them. Out of these,70(88.2%) patients had Herpes zoster with CD4 counts <200mm3, 5(5.8%)patients had Herpes simplex labialis with CD4 counts <200mm3(2.3%), patients had molloscumcontagiosum with CD4 counts <100mm3,1(1.1%) patient each of Herpes genitalis, Cytomegalovirus pneumonia, Ebstien virus infection with CD4counts <200mm3(2.3%) patients of combined infections of Herpes zoster and hepatitis B observed with CD4 count <100mm3(2.3%) patients of combined Herpes zoster and molluscumcontagiosum observed with CD4 count <50mm3. Commonly observed risk group were heterosexual, blood transfusion, non agriculture group, local transport worker and housewife.
Conclusions: In this study attempt was made to know the incidence of viral opportunistic infections in HIV seropositive patients with low CD4 counts, in which CD4 counts can be considered as clinical score,which serve as an alarm for timing of prophylaxis and a guide for therapeutic intervention.
How to cite : Ravikanti Sk, Attar A H, Sunitha Br, Murugesh Sb, “Viral Mucocutaneous Manifestations of HIV Infection with Special Reference to CD4 Count”. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2015;2(4):251-261
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