Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 704-710
Introduction: This retrospective study conducted at the Department of Pathology, Government Medical
College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, included all cases of Neuroblastomas received during the
5year period- January 2004 to December 2008.
Materials and Methods: Resected specimens and Incisional biopsy specimen’s/ lymph nodes of size more
than 2x2 cm were included as per International Neuroblastoma Pathology Committee (I.N.P.C) criteria.
The specimens were then classified into Undifferentiated (confirmed by Immunohistochemistry), Poorly
Differentiated and Differentiating. Patient details and 3 year Follow up were obtained by communication
with treating doctors and reviewing hospital records.
Results: During the 5 year period we received 38 specimens of Neuroblastomas, one specimen was rejected
as it was less than 2x2 cms. The study was hence carried forth on 37 cases- 27 post-chemotherap y and 10
pre-chemotherapy. The Clinicopathologic features studied included Age, Sex, Clinical presentation, Tumor
location, Preoperative Chemotherapy and the Gross and Microscopic features. Mitotic Karyorrhectic Index
(M.K.I) was determined in the ten pre-chemotherapy cases.
Conclusion: The Ten Pre-chemotherapy Neuroblastomas were subclassified into Favorable and
Unfavorable histology based on three parameters- Age, Histological Differentiation and M.K.I. Five cases
belonged to Favorable group and Five to the Unfavorable group. One case was lost to follow up from both
the groups respectively. The remaining 4 Favorable cases are doing well on follow up. In the Unfavorable
group 3 cases expired and 1 is doing well. As M.K.I could not be determined, the 27 post -chemotherapy
cases were followed up with age and histologic differentiation alone.
Keywords: Neuroblastoma, Immunohistochemistry, Mitotic Karyorrhectic Index (M.K.I).
How to cite : Rajan A, Prema N S, Neuroblastoma: A study of the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis based on Mitotic Karyorrhectic Index. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(4):704-710
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