Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 593-596
Anemia is a common haematological condition in India among women and children. It requires proper
evaluation of hematological parameters for assessing the severity and type of anemia. The modern
automated haematological analysers are capable of providing adequate information necessary for the
anaemia evaluation.
Aim: To study the severity and type of anemia in adults in a tertiary care hospital based on Red blood cell
Objectives: 1. To collect the haematological parameters of patients with low haemoglobin percent values;
2. To analyse the various red cell indices and study the age and sex wise distribution; 3. To classify anemia
based on red cell indices and grade anemia based on WHO guidelines.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was carried out in department of Pathology,
Chamarajanagar institute of medical sciences, teaching associated district hospital laboratory, for a period
of 3 months from October 2016 to December 2016. The study included 105 cases with low haemoglobin
percent in fully automated hematology analyser which was correlated with red cell indices parameters. The
severity and the type of anemia were analysed and compared with other similar studies.
Results: In the present study, there was predominance of anemia in 2nd decade among female s with
microcytic hypochromic type being common. Maximum number of patients were in the age group of 21-
30 years and had mild degree of anemia followed by moderate and severe degree of anemia. Based on red
cell indices, the morphological type of anemias were studied in relation to the age and sex of the patients.
Conclusion: Anemia being a common hematological condition requires proper evaluation of the
hematological parameters in assessing the type and severity.
Keywords: Anemia, Hemoglobin percentage, RBC parameters, Automated hematology analyser.
How to cite : Vedashree M K, Evaluation of haematological parameters and categorisation of anemia in adults in a tertiary care hospital. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(4):593-596
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